On any site, at any time, you can find a range of hazards that could put you or your project at risk.
Understanding more about the risks on projects and worksites can help reduce risks to everyone working on sites or in the immediate proximity.
For further information please contact:
National – Aaron Holmes +61 427 922 682 or [email protected]
New South Wales/Queensland/Victoria/Tasmania – Dean Gleeson +61 427 693 371 or email [email protected]
Western Australian/Northern Territory – Matthew Deaves +61 428 168 083 or [email protected]
Western Australian/Northern Territory – Wayne McFerran +61 488 612 565 or [email protected]
This four-part series highlights what workers can do to identify risks on project sites and reduce the risk of hazards such as asbestos, lead, airborne particles, mould, and noise.
Episode 1 – Keeping Safe at Work
Occupational Hygiene is the art and science of helping people understanding health hazards in the workplace.
In Australia, for every worker who loses their life to a safety incident, another eight lose their lives due to occupational illnesses and diseases.
Here Ash Boss, Senior Occupational Hygienist talks to us about the importance of understanding hazards in the workplace, and her scientific approach to supporting our clients with the solutions they need.
Episode 2 – Know your hazards
Do you know your potential hazards that could put you, your people or your project at risk?
Breathing in dusts, gases, fumes and vapours at work can damage your health. Being exposed to these hazards can lead to conditions like asthma, or diseases like lung cancer, asbestosis, mesothelioma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.
It is important that everyone knows what these hazards could potentially be, know how to identify them, and most importantly, know what to do when they are found.
Episode 3 – Leading with Science
We use scientific evidence together with specialists advice to find the right solutions to keep people safe on sites and to keep projects moving forward.
Here our Senior Occupational Hygienist, Ash Boss talks to us about the scientific approach to supporting our clients with the solutions they need.
Episode 4 – Stop. Act. Identify. Address.
On any site, at any time, you can find a range of hazards that could put you or your project at risk.
Here our Senior Occupational Hygienist, Ash Boss walks us through the top risks you may find on your work site.