International Women in Engineering Day (INWED) is an international awareness campaign which raises the profile of women in engineering and focuses attention on the amazing career opportunities available to women and girls in this exciting industry.
With the aim of empowering and supporting prospective female engineers, Tetra Tech invited some of our engineers to share with us their journey and how they continue to inspire the next generation of engineers, even as they navigated the challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Here we celebrate our own #EngineeringHero Dena Gabbassova.
“I love being an engineer and embrace the challenges it provides me daily. However, I also recognise that for some young engineers, getting started in their early careers can be ‘daunting’. Which is why I am proud to incorporate the mentoring of young professionals and championing change for women in our industry as part of my career, helping the next generation of engineers get the support and guidance they need.
I am currently on the Australian Geomechanics Society Women in Engineering subcommittee, allowing me to share my experiences as a female engineer in our profession and champion issues that can create positive change.
Through the support of Tetra Tech I have recently been promoted to the Young Geotechnical Professionals team leader role at Tetra Tech Coffey. This allows me to mentor and train graduate geotechnical engineers and organise TechTalks and ToastMasters presented by junior staff. I encourage networking with likeminded professionals, and a proud moment for me most recently was attending an event with eight of our young engineers at the ‘Roads Australia Emerging Leaders Gala’ dinner”.