Supporting investigation works for Stage 2 of Parramatta Light Rail project in Parramatta, Australia
Bringing together a multi-skilled team of geotechnical, contamination and utility investigations experts, Tetra Tech Coffey will conduct investigation works along the proposed alignment that will connect PLR Stage 1 to Sydney Olympic Park, in Sydney Australia.
These investigations will inform track formation, refine the design of specific sections of the project and manage the risks and value for money aspects. The services will be delivered in three packages, namely geotechnical and contamination investigation on land sections, overwater geotechnical, contamination and geophysical investigations for the river crossings and conditions assessment of the Sydney Water assets in Ken Newman Park.
Our high level of geological and geotechnical expertise and the use of innovative geophysical and geotechnical investigative tools, such as seismic tomography, resulted in the delivery of high quality geotechnical interpretation and provided accurate geotechnical models and design parameters.
Services will also include completing up to three options ranging from updating the existing Underground Utility Survey Model (UUS) using surface survey methods, CCTV condition assessments and non-destructive digging (NDD) survey of critical assets as identified by Transport for NSW (TfNSW).
Client name: Transport for NSW
Location: Parramatta, NSW, Australia
Duration: June 2017 – ongoing
Services provided: Specialist geotechnical services including geophysical and geotechnical investigative