Supporting our client with environmental expertise in Port Kembla to future-proof one of Australia’s largest vehicle import facilities
The port also serves as a key export facility for coal and other bulk products including grain.
Our team of Environmental and Geotechnical specialists delivered sediment and spoil assessments that included the assessment of chemical contaminants, acid sulfate soils and water quality parameters for disposal or re-use options.
We navigated the NSW EPA’s resource recovery guidelines and were able to make specific application to EPA for beneficial re-use of relatively large stockpile of ballast fines.
A successful sustainable result was achieved allowing the material to be re-used without having to be disposed and wasting valuable landfill space.
Our advice enabled the Port to make informed decisions regarding appropriate sediment and water disposal options whilst protecting the ecology of the port’s surrounding environments, ensuring sound environmental management practices and sustainable material re-use.
Port Kembla Sediment Assessment (New South Wales): Completed a sediment assessment of Port Kembla Harbour for a proposed tug berth facility. Works included arranging specialist divers to retrieve core samples for sediment analysis and providing preliminary options for onshore and offshore disposal.
Port Kembla Contamination Assessment (New South Wales): Completed an environmental site assessment of a large industrial portion of land near Port Kembla Harbour. A comprehensive environmental site assessment identified heavy metal and asbestos contamination. A site management plan was developed which allowed the client to successfully manage the site without extensive remediation and proceed with the proposed industrial development. The works were also subject to an independent site audit.
Port Kembla Pond Contamination Investigations (New South Wales): Completed a sediment and water quality assessment of pond sites within the inner harbour. The works involved assessment of chemical contaminants, acid sulfate soils and water quality parameters for disposal/re-use options.
Port Kembla Long-term Maintenance Dredging Plan and Ocean Disposal (New South Wales): Assisted with the development of a dredging plan by providing guidance to Port Kembla Port Corporation on:
- Environment Australia’s current regulatory framework and approval process for long-term dredging and sediment disposal
- The required interaction/involvement of the Technical Advisory and Consultative Committee (TACC), which comprises relevant stakeholders
- Harbour sediment assessment process
- Ocean disposal site selection and impact assessment as well as assessment of alternative disposal options
- Dredging, loading, transport and disposal methods
- Post ocean disposal maintenance and monitoring requirements
Client name: NSW Ports (formerly Port Kembla Port Corporation)
Location: NSW, Australia
Duration: 2019-2020
Services provided: Environmental and Geotechnical assessment