Supporting Movember  –  with ‘Mo Sister’ Siobhan Human

Siobhan Human

Every year, Movember looks at mental health through a male lens, focusing on prevention, early intervention and health promotion. In bringing awareness to men’s mental and physical health, Junior Project Manager – Siobhan Human from our Perth office shares with us why she is fundraising for Movember this year.

What does Movember mean to you?

For me, Movember is a time to give back to all the amazing men in my life, such as my dad, uncles, and my cousins. Unfortunately, my family has recently lost both my granddad and my uncle, the latter to cancer. Both were amazing men who really contributed to my life in a positive way. I am dedicating this Movember to them both in the fight against cancer.

How are you getting involved this Movember?

This year I have challenged myself to cycle 100km, which is a big stretch for someone who hasn’t been on a bike in years! I have also joined with some of my colleagues in our office to reach our goal of $5,000 this Movember. To make things a bit more interesting this year, our General Manager, Stewart Phillis, will be growing a mullet and a moustache. If we manage to raise $5,000 I will have the honour of shaving off both mullet and moustache. However, should we not reach the target, it will be me having my hair cut– all in good spirit of course!

 How can others help support this Movember?

There are two easy ways for those who would like to help support us and men’s health this Movember.

  1. Donate to our Tetra Tech Proteus Team. If everyone who reads this article buys one less coffee this week and donates their $4 to a good cause instead.
  2. Spread the word and get others involved this year!
Donate today

Help support men’s health (and save Siobhan’s hair) by making a donation to the Tetra Tech Proteus Movember Shave Down challenge here:

About Movember

Movember looks at mental health through a male lens, focusing on prevention, early intervention and health promotion. Working towards a world where men take action to be mentally well and are supported by those around them. As well as making a difference in mental health and suicide prevention, Movember also aims to raise awareness about, and fund research into, prostate and testicular cancer. You can find more information on the official Movember websites:

New Zealand and Pacific – Movember – Movember

Australia – Movember – Movember

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